Impact Wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “The Truth Behind Tag Team Wrestling”

Matt Hardy defeated Eddie Edwards

impact wrestlingFor the second consecutive week, Impact Wrestling features Hardy facing off against one of The Wolves. This week, Eddie Edwards steps up to the plate. In a highly contested bout, Matt Hardy picks up another win after an impressive super Twist of Fate. After seeing this excellent match, I began to wonder about tag team wrestling as a whole.

Is Tag Team Wrestling meant to be for guys who are CAN’T become developed into a singles star? Or, is it a platform to find out who CAN make it as a main event guy on his own? I think the argument is there for both. On one end, tag team wrestling can be used to hide some of the weaknesses of some guys and help them develop it into becoming a main event star. Look at guys like Matt, Jeff, Edge, Bret and others who became monster successes after splitting from a team.

On the other, you have successful tag teams that are really only good with a counterpart. Hawk and Animal are a great example, as well as Demolition and The Outlaws (to an extent). Nothing against them personally, but their success relied on another person. They made their money and are legends. I look at The Wolves and see potential for both men away from the other. They are a rarity, stuck in the middle of what defines a tag team.

Either way, it is food for thought and hopefully you (the reader) can provide your thoughts @JoshIsenberg4.

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DJ Zema Ion Wins on Impact

DJ Z needed a win. He is too good to pass up on a potential big fued in TNA. I will be completely honest about Mandrews. I have spoken about how I just do not understand his role in the company. I get it now. The guy is a freakish athlete and his spots are really fun to watch when he is paired with someone similar.

He reminds me of when Evan Bourne was in WWE. He was a guy with a great skill set, but seemingly lost in his role in the company. Either way, this was a fun X-Division match even though it is for points in the World Title Series competition… Still don’t like their role here.

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