Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Champions Crowned, Invasion Intrigues”

Chris Mordetzky vs. Bobby Lashley

impact wrestlingThe night starts off with the former “Chris Masters” calling out anyone in the TNA roster. Lashley makes claim to the challenge and both men go at it. Lashley is in control for a good portion of the match, focusing on his upper body attack. Clotheslines and a stalling suplex gets him a two count. Chris fights back and hits a nice spinebuster, awaiting to lock in the Masterlock.

Lashley ends up fighting out of it with a hiptoss, powerslam and then a spear. As he makes the cover, GFW roster comes out and attacks. After this, Jarrett has a briefcase, one that Magnus gave to him. Trevor Lee and Brian Myers are going to use it for a tag team championship match.

TNA Tag Team Championship

 Trevor Lee hits Davey in the corner and Myers hits a suplex onto Eddie. Eddie applies a single leg crab while Davey applies a Cloverleaf. Sonjay Dutt jumps up and interferes, then Lee hits Eddie with the briefcase. The referee does not see this and we have new TNA Tag Team Champions.

The first few segments tied in very well together. I would have made the tag team match much longer. These four guys can really go and I think they deserved to produce a much longer and dramatic match. Either way, GFW is coming out looking like the clear cut bad guys and that is perfect.

It is tricky because GFW has a lot of guys that are liked by the crowd. Myers is always a popular guy because he was not utilized to his fullest, while Lee has a nice following in the indies. I do think the takeover angle COULD work and this was an entertaining beginning to the night.

WZZ 6.5


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