Three Matches in One
Courtesy via WZ live coverage:
Sheamus and Orton start off with Sheamus being distracted by the fans “You Look Stupid!” chant that makes him almost back into an early RKO. He avoids it, however, and escapes to the outside…clutching his Money in the Bank briefcase. He tags out to Kevin Owens and Cesaro hurries to get tagged in, landing a Stalling Suplex while Owens tried to punch his way out of it unsuccessfully. Luke Harper and Dean Ambrose are tagged in and we get little previews of SummerSlam back-to-back-to-back. Basement clothesline by Dean on Harper for a two-count. Roman is tagged in, hits the same move more or less. Bray is soon tagged and tosses Roman from corner to corner, but gets hit with a Roman clothesline. Harper and Cesaro become legal and begin trading European Uppercuts before Cesaro is able to hit a Sunset Flip from the apron for a two-count. Owens then interrupts his Cesaro Swing attempt on Harper.
Bray is tagged in and hits a nasty Avalanche on Cesaro in the corner and tags out to Sheamus. Release Vertical Suplex by Sheamus on Cesaro, and Owens is tagged in. Corner Cannonball by Owens on Cesaro, really slowing down The Swiss Superman with a close two-count. Returning from commercial, we see Sheamus land a Finlay Roll on Cesaro and Bray hit a nasty Senton on him, as does Owens. Cesaro tries to fight back out of the corner, but gets an Irish Curse Backbreaker for his troubles. So far, this really seems like a GYSI type match as Cesaro finally hits a dropkick and gets the hot tag to Roman Reigns. Several clotheslines in the corner for Sheamus followed by his “Drive-By” Dropkick on the apron. Owens gets tagged in and owned with a Samoan Drop. Sheamus tries to mimic the women with a tainted win, but only gets a two-count. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick, turns for a cheap shot to Orton, and turns back around to get wasted by a Superman Punch from Roman!
Luke Harper and Dean Ambrose are tagged in and the bout speeds up quite a bit as Dean unloads his move set on Luke Harper and dumps him outside after his nod to Nigel McGuiness and his Jawbreaker Clothesline. Owens breaks up a close two-count on Harper by Dean with a Senton. Several finishers hit out of nowhere until the ultimate out-of-nowhere move, the RKO is hit. More finishers ensue until Dean is able to wrangle Luke Harper up for Dirty Deeds and the win!
WWE kept it simple and smart, giving the main event to three matches on Sunday are are seen as important. That could be argued, but they kept the talent fresh and spread out the offense between everyone. With the faces winning tonight, I think it shows you what WWE is considering doing on Sunday. Do not be surprised if more heels win than faces, especially in a crowd like New York.
Out of these three, Orton vs. Sheamus is least intriguing, even though the match itself will be very good. I expect it to lead off the show. Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro will be fun, if they give it enough time. Wyatt and Reigns/Ambrose may have a nice twist in it. Looking at these pairings and the other matches on the card, who is to say this is not the most complete SummerSlam card in recent memory?
@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating: