Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Another Legend Loses To Carter”

Gail Kim vs The Dollhouse

impact wrestlingGail hits a spinning DDT on Jade and Taryn runs out of the ring and into the crowd, wanting no part of Gail. Kim focuses her attention back to the other women. Marti and Jade get slugged over and over again, as Kim connects with a crossbody for two. 

Gail rolls up and Marti kicks her in the back. Both women attack her, but Kim overcomes and picks up the win. 

Gail looked darker and more aggressive. She is one of the best, no doubt. A slow evolution and a small change to Kim never hurts because we know what we are going to get in the ring. Heel or face, Gail Kim is the definition of consistency.

Did The Dollhouse look extremely weak? Yes. Did Taryn get more heat on her for escaping? Absolutely. It makes me want to see her get beaten down by Gail. Unfortunately, neither are champions. Taryn should still be the champ. Nothing against Brooke, but these two are more personal right now. 

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Drew Galloway loses to Eli Drake

Drew Galloway connects with a side suplex on Drake and yells at him to stand up. Galloway hits a German Suplex into the turnbuckle, continuing to yell at his former brother. Drake tries to escape, but Drake pokes him in the eye. He rolls him and grabs the trunks to pick up the win. 

I really wanted to see what Drake can do in the ring. Bad finish and a sloppy one. Drew looked great, for a brief period, but they really rushed this one. Come on! More time. More action.

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