Isenberg Reacts: WWE Elimination Chamber “Showcasing The Future in One Night”

WWE Divas Championship Match

wwe elimination chamberNikki Bella gets thrown to the outside, which allows Paige to slide away from a crossbody from Naomi and hit a Fallaway Slam. Nikki is able to get back into the ring and then hits Paige with a knee. She hits a clothesline and then an Alabama Slam. Naomi tries to steal the match with a roll-up. Nikki misses a kick from the rope and Naomi throws her into the post. Naomi targets Paige with some elbows and then continues to strike. She hits a leg drop and then a back body drop.

Naomi hits a German Suplex from the top, while Nikki hits a powerbomb in a nice execution of a move. Naomi hits a Rear View on Nikki and Paige breaks it up. Paige throws Naomi to the outside and tries to lock in PTO. Naomi kicks her in the head, while Naomi reverses an electric chair and looks like a painful fall for Paige. She rolls to the outside and Nikki hits Rack Attack for the win.

Wow, I am very surprised there was no title change tonight. What else does Naomi have to prove to become champion? She has been an excellent heel since her turn. I am not sure why she took the loss as well. How does this benefit her? The match was really good, with some minor faults. Nonetheless, Nikki is the definition of WWE Diva right now. She can be loved or hated. Either way, a solid match with a surprise retaining.

WZ 6


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