Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Why Seth Rollins Could Walk Out of WrestleMania 31 as Champion”

 Paul Heyman Addresses The WWE Universe

wwe rawPaul Heyman talks about Brock Lesnar doing what he wants and when he wants to do it. They said everyone has ordered all of the pyro and says that Roman Reigns is going to win. The fans will think he wins and goes off the cuff about Roman Reigns beating everyone.

He says Roman Reigns cannot beat Brock Lesnar. He says it can go down two ways, where he beats Reigns down over and over and then says he will Ronda Rousey’s his ass. The mic gets cut off again and says Roman Reigns will get his ass beat by Brock Lesnar, embarrassed and conquered by Brock Lesnar. Roman Reigns comes out from the crowd and Paul Heyman retreats.

Seth Rollins defeated Roman Reigns

Two former members of The Shield main event Raw 4 weeks before WrestleMania 31. After a solid match that featured more offense on the side of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins picks up the victory with help from Randy Orton.

Is it safe to assume that Seth Rollins could walk out WrestleMania 31? Hear me out here:

-If Seth Rollins cashes in, he will get a huge moment and the crowd will love it. The crowd might boo heavily if Roman Reigns wins, which is something that Vince does not want. Rollins can win and still be a face, teaming with The Authority and having Roman Reigns be robbed by his former “brother.”

This establishes not 1 big time star, but 2. Roman Reigns’ chase is  much more interesting that him holding the title right now, and he can shut everyone up. If Seth Rollins wins, this is an easy way for the WWE Universe to forget about Brock Lesnar. Whether Paul Heyman helps or not, Lesnar seemingly is gone in 27 days. Establish a new feud for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and establish TWO STARS.

The end of the night was great, even though I did not agree with a smaller guy like Seth Rollins winning on a much larger guy via roll-up. Roman got his revenge and showed his athleticism. The guy is good. Do not have him because you think it is the cool thing to do. 

1. Seth Rollins was featured throughout the show. Beginning, middle and end. Case and point: he could walk out as champion come March 29th.

PS: Randy Orton needs to just turn already. His turn should have happened tonight. Get the spotlight when Sting, Taker and Brock are NOT there.

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