Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Why Seth Rollins Could Walk Out of WrestleMania 31 as Champion”

The Daily Show with Seth Rollins

wwe rawSeth Rollins is in the ring and talks about Jon Stewart. Stewart comes out after being bashed a few times by Rollins. Jon Stewart says that Seth Rollins did not earn this and Rollins is out here proving to the world that he can do his job better than him. Stewart says he can barely read. He says he would never make a fool out of a man dressed like a man dressed like a swat team stripper with Lady Gaga hair.

He talks about being from New Jersey. He talks about the old wrestlers than earned their titles and fought their way up. He says that he has respect and says The Authority does not care about him. He talks about Money in the Bank and how he has not earned anything. He grabs Stewart and Orton’s music hits. Seth Rollins gets kicked in the groin and Stewart escapes.

This was better than I expected. Seth Rollins is getting SO much attention right now and really shining. Randy Orton just needs to turn already and make this match happen. Jon Stewart and WWE was a nice crossover, but where is the angle for WrestleMania? Did this need to go 15 minutes? Good publicity, but what does this do next week?

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan

Harper targets Daniel Bryan and throw him around. Drop toe hold and Bryan unloads with a few running kicks. Harper catches him and dumps him to the outside. Harper is able to hit a few more moves until Bryan kicks him a few times.

Daniel Bryan is able to reverse Harper with a Yes Lock! Harper taps out. Barrett comes out and grabs his title back. Ambrose runs down and attacks Barrett. He hits a clothesline and Harper hits a big boot. R-Truth grabs the title again and walks out with it until Harper stops him again. He clotheslines him and grabs the title. Ziggler comes out and hits a big kick, grabbing the title and throwing it over his shoulder.

Daniel Bryan looks to be added into the Ladder Match. Dolph teases Daniel Bryan and they both look at the WrestleMania sign. Where do they go? Does Sheamus get involved next?

Daniel Bryan vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler?

Is this too many? Can’t we get Bryan/Ziggler or Bryan/Sheamus? Options. Many options for WWE right now and they better make up their minds.

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