Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Why Seth Rollins Could Walk Out of WrestleMania 31 as Champion”

Triple H Hypes Up WrestleMania

wwe rawTriple H talks about trying to make Sting bigger through merchandise and DVD’s, trading it in for a match against Triple H. He says he will make Sting nothing and people wonder why he did not come to the WWE.

Triple H has his theory and calls Booker T into the ring. Booker T says he thought Sting wanted to come here, possibly because Triple H would not allow it. He asks why he thinks Sting never came to the WWE. Booker responds to Triple H and says he believes that there is a conspiracy theory. Triple H calls him an internet kid and Booker T says nobody could not control Sting. Triple H talks about control and says he has it and when you don’t have that control, it is scary. Triple H then fires Booker T. He says he is a valuable part of this team and says this is an example of control. He says he is handed an opportunity to end the last vestige of WCW.

Triple H delivers a good promo and delivers a strong heel story with a former WCW guy. We need to see Sting. We need to see him talk. If this is his first match in WWE. there needs to be more depth than just him appearing 2-3 times without speaking. The time is now. Triple H can only do so much.

WZ 6

WWE Divas Championship

Paige headbutts Nikki and gets a quick 2 count. She tries to lock in a submission hold, but he breaks it with the ropes. We head to a commercial break. Nikki locks in a stretch and takes control of the match. Nikki hits a nice spinebuster and another two count. Paige is able to reverse a move with a kick and a double clothesline knocks both Divas out. Paige blocks her into a clotheslines, followed by another. She hits a dropkick and gets a two count. Brie gets kicked off the apron by Paige. Paige hits a big kick and then locks in the PTO. Brie causes a disqualification and the beating begins.

AJ Lee comes out to make the save. AJ Lee beats up on the Bellas and Nikki kicks her. Paige kicks Brie and they work together to take out the twins.

Setting my personal feelings aside, this is great for the WWE Divas division. Would it be a let down if the title was NOT on the line at WrestleMania and we get a tag team match? Wouldn’t Paige winning in a Fatal Four Way be more productive than the alternative? Either way, a BIG plus for the division.

WZZ 6.5