THE REVIEW: WWE Royal Rumble 2015 – Featuring a Complete Breakdown of the Single Worst-Booked Match in WWE History

Damien Mizdow was the first guy to get Philly back into the match, and they completely wasted the entire thing. Miz came out to try and steal his spot, which put some heat on him. Then Mizdow hit the ring, did some signatures on a few guys…and got dumped over by Rusev. No more heat on Miz. Barely even a tease of a split between the two. What could have been an amazing start to a WrestleMania program turned back into a comedy flop as soon as Mizdow hit the floor, once again becoming a stunt double. 

The Miz - WWE Royal RumbleHow easy was that segment to book? All they had to do was have Miz get on the apron and pull him over. It takes two seconds and a handful of brain cells. Not even a big handful. 

Rusev hid under the ring. You know, because that’s how you successfully book a monster heel. 

Let’s just skip ahead to Kane and Big Show, walking around the ring sloppily throwing out Superstars the fans cared about like they were nothing. It was almost the physical embodiment of how much Vince McMahon does NOT give a s*** about your preferences. 

Do you like Dean Ambrose? Too bad – Big Show and Kane just made him look like a joke.

Do you like Dolph Ziggler? Too bad – see: Dean Ambrose. He lasted a whole two minutes. But first, they made sure it was him who eliminated Cesaro and Bad News Barrett, two heels the crowd desperately wants to be babyfaces. The highlight of his time in the match was selling the KO Punch.  

Ryback was an overall non-factor. So much for the MONTHS of time invested in the Authority vs. Team Cena angle. Welcome back guys – absolutely nothing has changed. 

Remember all that work they put into Bray Wyatt throughout this match? The guy who eliminated Daniel Bryan was dumped over the ropes BY ANOTHER HEEL with absolutely no fanfare. Kane, the mortal enemy of the guy Wyatt eliminated, eliminated Wyatt. 
