Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Seth Rollins Belongs”

 It’s All About Seth Rollins

wwe rawThe WWE World Heavyweight Champion comes out with Paul Heyman. We get a history lesson in what happened 282 days ago at WrestleMania 30. Paul Heyman reminds us how much it burns everyone that Lesnar is a beast and beat the streak. Heyman talks about fantasy vs. reality and that the reality is all about Brock Lesnar. 

Paul Heyman asks if Seth Rollins is a fantasy or a reality. Heyman says that Brock Lesnar will tell them face to face what the difference is between fantasy and reality.

Let’s fast forward to the end of WWE Raw.

Paul Heyman talks about how he is upset that it has turned into a Triple Threat match. He talk about a double cross and says that Brock Lesnar does not have to be pinned or tapped out. Seth Rollins asks if Brock Lesnar can handle a Triple Threat Match. Seth Rollins yells at Heyman and says he is not finished yet. He rattles off his accomplishments and says that Brock Lesnar is not Seth Rollins. 

Brock Lesnar picks up the microphone. He says he conquered The Undertaker, Triple H and John Cena. John Cena says he is going to pin Brock Lesnar and is going to kick his ass. All three men sign the contract, while Seth Rollins talks about how John Cena has failed a few times tonight. Brock Lesnar hits a German Suplex to both men. John Cena hits an AA to Brock Lesnar through the table. Seth Rollins hits a Curb Stomp onto John Cena and then hits one onto Brock Lesnar. 

The ending was great. We know what John Cena is about. We know Brock Lesnar is a monster. This week needed to show everyone that Seth Rollins belongs where he is at. His promo was excellent and his tone was perfect in comparison to John Cena and Brock. I liked how Lesnar said a few words. Let the man speak here and there. People get shocked when he grabs a mic. Will he win? Not likely, but he could cash in. I can see Seth Rollins getting a big rub heading into WrestleMania 31, even bigger than this recent run. Just do not forget about Randy Orton.

WZ 7.5



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