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 STEP DOWN: The Usos

the usosI’m just going to put this out there – the Usos aren’t funny. They keep booking them in comedy segments (see: the awful “game show” on last week’s Main Event), and every week I feel like I care a little bit less. 

Why are The Usos and the Dust Bros., who have been feuding over the tag team titles for what feels like seven years now, not mortal enemies? Their rivalry is barely that. Seems like every segment they’re joking around, or making fun of Stardust, or doing literally anything but building heat for an interesting wrestling match. 

The Usos were being booked strong earlier this year, when WWE wanted them to be the “next greatest tag team ever”. They actually beat a few legitimate challengers. Recently their booking has been atrocious, and I desperately fear them being a part of the Cena vs. Authority Survivor Series mayhem. The only thing I want to see less is another 6-way tag match with Sheamus.