Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “The Rock and Ambrose Save The Show”

 The Ballad of Dean Ambrose

wwe raw reactionThe night starts with Seth Rollins coming out extremely upset. He talks about being embarrassed and John Cena comes out. He attacks Rollins, sending him through the crowd. Dean Ambrose pops up and then attacks him. Rollins is able to escape after Ambrose jumps on him and John Cena.

The Authority makes it Kane, Orton and Rollins vs. Cena and Ambrose.

To kick off the second hour, Dean Ambrose says John Cena is really upsetting him. Out comes Cena to a choir of boos and says that they are here to do the same thing and that is get Seth Rollins. Ambrose and Cena exchange heated words until Ambrose says he is going to Coney Island and that John Cena can face The Authority by himself.

John Cena gets beaten down by The Authority, without any sight of Dean Ambrose. Kane hits a Chokeslam and out comes Ambrose. He is pulling out a street vendors cart and wheels it down to the ring. Ambrose throws ketchup and mustard in the face of Kane and Orton. He gets into the ring and takes down Rollins. John Cena clotheslines Rollins and hits an AA onto Randy Orton. Ambrose hits a Suicide Dive and then throws food at Seth Rollins. 

John Cena hits an AA onto Kane. The Authority comes out and announces that John Cena will face Dean Ambrose at WWE Hell in a Cell. The winner will face Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell. Ambrose knocks out Cena to end the show.

I really liked this segment to end WWE Raw. You need to have new ideas and fresh content for Dean Ambrose. They continue to utilize their best assets and this saved Raw from being really bad. Without Brock Lesnar at WWE Hell in a Cell, this will sell the show. People want to see who gets to fight Seth Rollins. I want to see how they book the final few weeks, with Seth Rollins basically being the championship piece to this feud. Complain all you want about John Cena involved, but this helps Rollins and Ambrose feel even more like main eventers. 

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Reaction Rating: 

WZ 5.5


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