Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “The Rock and Ambrose Save The Show”

Brie Bella defeated Summer Rae

brie bellaBrie has one arm tied behind her back and Rae chokes her with the boot to the throat. She throws her head into the ring post and then gets a two count. Brie punches her way out of it and Summer Rae shoves her knee into her throat.  Brie reverses a move and kicks Summer Rae for the win. 

The best part of this match was the end. Again, I cannot stress how uninterested everyone has been since the end of Night of Champions. Nobody cares about this sister feud and it has gone on way too long. Give us the damn payoff match, if there still is one that people care about. Why did this die? Three words: No Stephanie McMahon.

WZ 2.5

Jack Swagger defeated Tyson Kidd

Kidd gets the upper hand by using Natalya as a distraction and hitting a kick from the apron. He hits a neckbreaker and another big kick. Swagger gets the upper hand and tosses Kidd to the mat and hit a Swagger Bomb. He rolled up Swagger and tries the Sharpshooter. Kidd hits another kick and goes up top. Swagger catches him and then throws Kidd into the Patriot Lock. Kidd has to tap out and Swagger picks up the win.

All that I could think about is that Jack Swagger is being completely wasted because his gimmick is still over. PUSH HIM! As for Tyson Kidd, why can’t we have a Cruiserweight Division? He would thrive in that division and his talent is also being wasted. There are just so many guys like him right now and that is a huge reason why he isn’t used in a prominent role.

Roman Reigns Via Satellite

Roman Reigns has a quick interview via satellite, taking a page out of his cousin The Rock. Reigns talks about how he is recovering and that he will be back sooner than expected.

It was a safe and good segment, even though it really did not do much at all. Roman Reigns was so hot, but this could actually help him. The internet fans were beginning to get on Roman Reigns for being the same in the ring. Relax. The guy is explosive and has big money written all over him. I liked seeing him via satellite and the fact that he was protected in a pre-recorded interview. Keep it short and simple.

WZ 5.5


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