Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Havok is Better Than Chyna and Kharma”

X-Division Championship Match

Impact WrestlingSamoa Joe and Austin Aries start off their championship match with some quick submission holds, a few shoulder blocks and Aries getting a close count. Joe chokes Aries and Aries hits a Jawbreaker for a two count. Aries locks in Last Chancery in the middle of the ring. Joe breaks free and Aries remains on the attack. Aries tries a Brainbuster, but Joe hits a few clotheslines and then Aries hits a Discus forearm. Atomic Drop from Joe and a boot to the chest knocks Aries to the outside. Aries hits a beautiful Suicide Dive to the outside. A corner dropkick and a Brainbuster only gets  two count. Joe reverses and locks in his submission hold. Aries taps out.

This was a really solid match. There were a few big spots from Aries, but his chemistry with Samoa Joe is ridiculous. These guys just flow so well together in the ring and the win for Joe makes him look even stronger. Samoa Joe looked really good tonight and he had Aries helping him out. I am a fan of this feud, even though I still believe that the X-Division should still spotlight the smaller and more athletic guys. Joe should be in the heavyweight division, if there was one. Separate your talent. There needs to a real contender to Lashley. The size of Joe is appealing to me when considering him vs. Lashley in a lengthy feud.

WZ 7.5

Rockstar Spud Turns Face…Kind of.

Ethan Carter III comes out and berates Spud. He talks about his rat like face and his hair cut. Spud said he wanted to emulate Carter. He talks about how he dresses and how he dresses. He rips his jacket off and out comes Eric Young, who says that he was pushed around just like Spud. He tells Spud to listen to the crowd, who cheers him on. EC3 calls for a ref after a cheap shot. 

Carter locks in a sleeper hold onto Young in the ring. Young punches out of it and then gets slowed down again with a sleeper. Young hits a body slam and heads to the top. Young hits an elbow drop from the top and Spud puts EC3’s leg on the rope. Carter hits a jawbreaker and screams at Spud. Young dropkicks Carter into Spud. EC3 low blows him and the referee does not see it as he is tending to Spud. He hits the One Percenter for the win. 

Slow build for Spud turning face, which I like. Carter needs to be taken seriously and needs to get rid of Spud. I have never been a huge fan of Spud, but he is a likable guy. He is a good actor and someone who can get more heel heat out of Carter. Carter is still destined for bigger and better things. This teaming of Carter and Spud will break up soon and will be good for Spud to work with a face with Young. EY could be the best option to help Spud right now turn face. All of the TNA fans love Young.

WZ 6


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