As I went about my business, it seemed like every time I turned around, I saw Shawn “literally” in Austin’s ear. I knew what Shawn was doing because I knew Shawn AND I knew Austin. This wasn’t good. Before I knew it, Austin comes up to me and starts with “Vince . . . I’m not so sure about this three-way at WrestleMania. I was talking to Shawn and . . . . “. I knew it. Whether Shawn actually felt this way, or was just stirring the !@#$, he had convinced Steve that the three-way at WM XV should be a one-on-one between Austin and the Rock. Steve soon went to Vince, and within minutes, the match was changed. Mick was out of the WrestleMania main event.
I was freakin’ livid! Why? Because all I could think about was Mick. I had already given him the news. Now it was going to be taken away. And, no doubt, I was going to have to be the one to tell him.
At that point, I ran into Hunter – who was Shawn’s boy, of course – and cut a SCATHING promo on HBK, knowing full well that he would tell Shawn. I was pissed.
So, I wasn’t going to have this weighing on my mind all night. We had a show to do. I went to Mick, and I broke the news to him about Mania. The look on his face broke my heart, but even though he was disappointed, Mick knew, and understood, that this was the wrestling business.
After my conversation with Mick, I ran into Shawn, who I’m pretty sure was looking for me. It was obvious that he was not happy because Triple H told him about my not-so-nice promo on him. And for as long as I live, I will never forget the line that Shawn delivered to me. It was priceless! Keep in mind – at the time Shawn wasn’t particularly the most popular guy in the locker room. He was such a different cat then. Not always being in the right mind back then, Shawn spoke every word he felt – right or wrong – whether it would hurt you or not. He just didn’t care. I never saw anyone speak to Vince the way that Shawn did – NO ONE. He just didn’t care back then. So anyway, with more than one person wanting a piece of him at that time, Shawn, right in my face, told me, “You better watch out . . . because I KNOW I can take you.”
It was just classic Shawn.
Man, looking back, what a wild time. Truth is, I loved Shawn just as much as I loved Mick. We were a family. We fought, we loved, we cried – that’s what families do. The heat we had on one day would be gone the very next, and over the years, even though he was a pain in the @#$% at times, I admired and respected Shawn more than he will ever know.
Mick Foley finally made it to WrestleMania the next year – I was working with WCW.
Only in wrestling.