Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Three Divas Matches, Zero Changes”

Sheamus defeated Damien Mizdow

wwe raw reactionDamien works away at Sheamus with some vicious punches and boots to his face. He slugs away and Sheamus finally gets the high running knee and a scoop slam. He hits the 10 chops to his chest. Sheamus throws Damien into The Miz and hits a Brogue Kick for the win.

WWE is certainly lacking in the creative department. It seems very simple. Miz and Cesaro swap places. Cesaro and Ziggler, while Miz and Sheamus begin their feud. 

Why does it always seem that the feud that involves Dolph Ziggler is much more entertaining? 

WZ 4.5

 John Cena and Dean Ambrose defeated Kane and Randy Orton via Disqualification

John Cena is beaten down throughout the match. Kane hits a side slam and then tags in Orton. Orton hits a powerslam and then begins to kick away at Cena. Randy Orton tags Kane back in who works on the neck of John Cena. Cena tosses Orton from the outside and John Cena gets the hot tag to Dean Ambrose. He comes in and clears the ring. He hits a cross body and then punches Orton. He hits a clothesline and then launches himself onto Kane, followed by a Suicide DIve onto Orton. Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline.

He hits Dirty Deeds and Seth Rollins comes out and beats down his former partner. Ambrose barely hits Kane with a Suicide Dive. They trap Rollins and then Cena punches Rollins. John Cena tosses Ambrose and then Ambrose throws Cena to the outside. Both men want to get a piece of Seth Rollins. Randy Orton hits an RKO onto Dean Ambrose. Ambrose gets a Curb Stomp. The same happens to John Cena, as Raw goes off the air. The Authority stands tall.

It was a strong finish from Seth Rollins, even though it seemed like he was painted as a coward and overshadowed a bit. Dean Ambrose is white hot right now, but Seth Rollins is such a classic heel. He is being booked so well. Unfortunately, he will not cash in anytime soon. WWE Raw had a few HUGE problems.

1. Not enough mention of Brock Lesnar. Not enough Paul Heyman

2. Where the hell was the Wyatt Family? Two video promos, albeit intriguing, are not enough.

3.THREE Divas matches in a 3 hour show is 2 too many. 

4. Where were the new tag champions? They win the title and only get a small vignette backstage.

5. 3 hours and 10 minutes… NOTHING CHANGED.

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Reaction Rating:

WZ 4


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