Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Three Divas Matches, Zero Changes”

Slater Gator Wins on Raw

wwe raw reactionTitus hits a body slam and an inverted backbreaker. Heath gets into the ring and Fernando hits a hurricanranna and a few elbow shots. Hornswoggle and El Torito face off, while Slater picks up the win.

After Dean Ambrose, this second hour of WWE Raw has been absolutely brutal. Hornswoggle, another Divas segment and Bo Dallas beating a 400 pound man. This is exactly what I want to see on my WWE Raw show. Wow, this is just awful television. Why is there three hours of Raw?

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Rusev’s Next Feud Confirmed

Rusev and Lana come out to talk about what happened on Smackdown last week. Big Show comes out and shows his side of the story. He gets into the ring and Rusev escapes. Big Show rips down the Russian flag and Rusev gets very upset.

I did like to hear Rusev get on the microphone, but I do not think Big Show is the best opponent for him right now. Rusev needs to showcase how athletic of a man he is, no matter how big he is. Big Show will slow him down in the ring and really limit a creative and interesting storyline. The best feud has still been Jack Swagger. He was a perfect fit for Rusev. Now, Rusev will have to strip down his offensive abilities in the ring and focus on 4-5 moves to beat Big Show.

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Alicia Fox defeated AJ Lee

Paige introduces her new best friend in Alicia Fox. Fox pushes her down adn then hits a few forearms. Lee hits a hurricanranna and then a knee to the corner. She hits a heel kick and then retreats to the outside. AJ Lee hits a cross body to the outside and hits both of Paige and Fox. Fox kicks her in the back and picks up the win, thanks to Paige’s involvement.

This was the best Divas segment of the night, which is not saying much. Yes, there were THREE DIVAS MATCHES ON RAW. What does this tell you? This tells me that WWE gave up tonight and simply does not care to put on an intriguing product. They packed it in tonight. Plain and simple.

WZ 4.5


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