Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Three Divas Matches, Zero Changes”

Dean Ambrose Carries The Night

wwe raw reactionDean Ambrose comes out to the ring and tries to sell some merchandise. He gets interrupted by Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. He makes a jab at them and say that the Cruiserweight Division is coming after him. He tells them to get into the ring and then goes back to throws the merchandise to the crowd. Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury, Jamie Noble and security come down to the ring. Rollins gets into the ring and Ambrose says to grab the briefcase. Green paint explodes into his face and then he leaves through the crowd.

The segment started out pretty hot, with the crowd really behind Ambrose. I enjoyed the clearance sale and the pandering to the crowd. Seth Rollins coming out was pretty funny at first, but it seemed to drag just a bit. I want to see them get to a point of physical and intense action that can only be resolved with a Hell in a Cell. This was a positive step, but only a small step.

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Bo Dallas defeated Mark Henry

Mark Henry comes out and says he knows that he disappointed the WWE Universe. Bo Dallas comes out and says that The Hall of Pain needs to be closed. Bo Dallas gets into the ring and the match starts. Henry whips Dallas into the corner and hits a body slam. Dallas moves out from the top rope bomb and Bo Dallas hits a Bo Dog for the win. 

I really hope this gives Mark Henry a mean streak and turns him heel. In a world where there are so many heels in WWE, Mark Henry can actually be effective. The Miz is very bland, while some of the other guys like Kane have run his course. I do think Mark Henry can still be an effective heel because he is so smart and is a guy that adapts to the time. Bo Dallas beating Mark Henry surprised me. I wish this is not an ongoing feud, as Dallas needs to fight someone believable. He should be focusing on someone close to his size, close to his quirky gimmick. 

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Brie Bella defeated Cameron and Eva Marie

Brie locks in a submission hold and then punches Cameron to the outside. Eva Marie hits her from behind and then chokes her with her boot. Cameron gets into the ring and then another quick tag. Cameron hits a suplex and a two count comes shortly after. Brie fights out and she rolls up Cameron for the win. 

The best part of this match is that the fans chanted for Michael Cole. They really need to end this sister feud, one that has gone on for too long. Funny, because they only started it at SummerSlam. The match should have happened at Night of Champions. There is never enough interest for a Divas feud that does NOT involve a title and have it last more than a month.

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