Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Focus More On Your Product and Not The NFL”

John Cena’s Pursuit of Brock Lesnar

raw reactionPaul Heyman kicks off Raw with an interruption of John Cena. Cena wants to know where Brock Lesnar is and Paul Heyman calls out Brock, who does not show up. John Cena then grabs Paul Heyman by the neck and drags him to the back. Later in the night, Paul Heyman is trapped in the locker room of John Cena. After The Great Khali protects the door, Cena goes back and drags him out. He has Paul Heyman on his knees in the middle of the ring. 

Paul Heyman says this is the John Cena that he has always wanted. Heyman says he can be the trigger of John Cena to become a beast. Heyman says he can bring the hatred out of him and he says that John Cena will not hit him. He teases him and says John Cena will not be a bully. Heyman begs for John Cena to hit him and says that he can’t. He talks about his family and says that his morals will make him fail. He will never be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and he can’t beat Brock Lesnar. He says he wants Cena to be his vision of a “Paul Heyman Guy.” John Cena pushes Paul Heyman after he questions if he has testicles. 

Here comes the beast. Brock Lesnar arrives and looks completely upset. Brock circles the ring and looks to not get physically involved. After a minute of teasing, the fight is on. Cena gets hit with a German Suplex. Cena fights back and throws him into the barricade and apron. John Cena locks in a submission hold and punches away at Brock Lesnar.

Beautiful. This was excellent. It should have ended Raw.  I get what they are trying to do in terms of timing against Monday Night Football, but WWE needs to focus on themselves. NOBODY WILL BEAT THE NFL. Plain and simple. If The Rock and Stone Cold had a main event on Raw, it still would not beat out NFL football in the United States. This segment was the appetizer to a full course meal. I thought WWE did exactly what they needed to do tonight to give us a reason to think, even for a second, that Brock Lesnar might lose. He shouldn’t lose, though. Thank God for Paul Heyman. He is just on another level from everybody else when a microphone is in his hands. 

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Naomi defeated Cameron

I didn’t realize this was still a thing going on. Cameron bullies her around and hits a split leg drop and then stretches her out. Naomi fights out of it and hits a Rear End for the win.

There was nothing great here. This is a prime example of why I hate Total Divas. They waste segments on Raw and give us very below average work in the ring. This killed the crowd after a super-hot segment between the best WWE has to offer.

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 Dolph Ziggler and R-Ziggler defeated The Miz and Damien Mizdow

Dolph works away onto Sandow and then Truth gets in the ring. They both hit the show-off elbow drop. Truth gets crushed with elbow shots from behind and Miz gets in the ring. He punches and kicks away at Truth. Sandow hits a big kick and yells awesome to the crowd. Dolph gets the hot tag and then Truth is sent to the outside. The Miz hits his stunt double with a left hand and Ziggler hits Zig Zag for the win.

I could literally not pay attention to this match because of the excessive chatter from JBL, Cole and Lawler. It was too much jabs at one another and a little too much about the stunt double. Miz loses again… and again… and again. Is this setting up for a victory on Sunday?

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