Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Focus More On Your Product and Not The NFL”

Bray Wyatt’s Next Potential Feud

raw reactionBray Wyatt gets into a match against The Big Show and explodes with left and right hands onto Wyatt. He misses a corner splash and Bray takes advantage with one of his own. He catches a boot from Big Show and hits his knee. He finally gets Show off of his feet and then kicks away at Show. After a DDT and a head lock, both men get to their feet. Big Show hits a clothesline into two corners. Bray runs the ropes and knocks down Big Show. Show catches Bray and Rowan is hit to the outside. Luke Harper gets in the ring and breaks it up. Big Show stands tall at the end. 

I was surprised at how fast this match actually was in terms of pacing. Big Show looks much leaner and quicker in the ring. As for Bray, he needs to continue to work at a high rate with whomever he is paired against. He has fallen off a bit, no doubt, but what feud could help him get back to the top? I am not completely against a feud with Big Show, but I would rather see gold around his waist. 


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The Uso’s and Sheamus defeated Cesaro, Gold and Stardust

Jimmy Uso takes most of the beating in the match. After the commercial break, Goldust hits a big clothesline and then a few elbow drops to his chest. Stardust punches away and Cesaro gets in the ring. Sheamus finally gets a hot tag and hits a rolling senton.  He hits 4 big chops before Stardust breaks it up. Sheamus hits Battering Ram to the outside, taking out Cesaro and Stardust. Stardust kicks him in the head and misses a kick. Cesaro hits a Neutralizer and the pin fall is broken up by Jey. Jey hits a kick to Goldust and Jimmy hits a big kick. The Uso’s fly high and pick up the win. 

The match started out very dull and weak. It picked up quickly and with plenty of spots. This six man tag team match was great, even though the heels should have won. Jimmy, Jey and Sheamus should all lose their championships on Sunday. It gives WWE fresh champions, especially at a time where your world champion won’t be featured live every week. They MUST develop these feuds and continue to work out the kinks in Cesaro’s gimmick. Quit changing things up time and time again. Let Cesaro be and let him be the United States Champion. 

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