Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Main Event Talents Step Up Big Time”

Chris Melendez defeated DJ Z

impact wrestling reactionZ starts with an arm lock and smacks him in the back of the head. Melendez hits a clothesline and a spinning neck breaker. DJ Z hits a chop block and then kicks away at Chris. Z reverses a suplex move and Melendez ends up hitting the Samoan Drop for the win.

Melendez picks up the victory in a very basic match. This is a really great story, but I fear that it is only going to last a short while. He is athletic, given his physical inabilities, and can really move around well. DJ Z is a pro in the ring and was the safest and best choice for his debut match. I just cannot see him fitting in the long run for TNA. Does TNA even have a long run?

Do you think that this could be a real wrestler in the future? What can they really do with him in the long run?

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter for your responses.

WZ 5

Roode and MVP Hype Title Match

Bobby Roode comes out and talks about being the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. MVP comes out and says nobody have even come close to beating Lashley. He says this is not a movie ending, where he gets the girl or the championship. MVP says Roode will only get a short hospital stay. Roode says the difference between Lashley and MVP is that MVP fears him. Lashley does not fear anyone and says Lashley knows he can beat him. Roode says that he knows he can beat Lashley. Roode says his desire and heart trumps his strength. Roode gets attacked by all three guys, but Samoa Joe and Eric Young make the save.

Bobby Roode, Eric Young and Samoa Joe defeated Lashley, MVP and Kenny King

Kenny King and Samoa Joe kicks things off in this 6 man tag team match. Joe hits a shoulder block and punches away at King. Young works his offense against King until he hits a back breaker and then a reverse spinning heel kick. MVP gets in the ring and then beats down EY. Lashley comes in and gets a little offense in. King hits a few big leg drops for a two count. The Destroyer comes in and locks in an armbar. Young fights out of it and Roode gets the hot tag. He unloads onto King and MVP. Roode hits a running forearm shot and then an atomic drop. He hits a high knee and a clothesline.

Roode is on fire and gets the crowd going. From the second rope, he hits a snap neck breaker. Joe gets in and hits a kick. Lashley explodes onto Joe and EY hits a missle dropkick and a crossbody block onto Lashley. MVP hits a clothesline and sets up his finisher. Roode ducks and hits a Roode Bomb for the win. 

Plenty of action and the pace was perfect heading into the final moments. The spotlight was on Roode, which it needed to be. I would have loved to see Roode have more face to face action against Lashley, but he got more of MVP than I thought as well. Roode is so smooth, a calculating and incredible performer. EY got the few big spots and the faces stand tall. Kenny King is the underrated one out of the 6, even though he is the most technically gifted athlete they have. (Aside from the freak that Lashley is)

WZ 7.5

BroMans and Velvet defeated The Menagerie

Crazzy Steve flies in the ring and takes down Jesse. The BroMans get back into the ring and Robbie throws Steve around the ring. Knux  hits a flying crossbody and Sky is backed by Steve. He kisses Sky and then flies to take out the BroMans. Rebel hits a body slam and heads to the second rope. Love distracts her and Velvet steals the win.

If it wasn’t for the fun spots from Steve and Robbie, this match would not have been good. Rebel is not good and should not be wrestling right now. This match didn’t do much for me. I thought they should have BroMans in a more important situation, one that helps Robbie E gain more credibility. I have always been a fan of his work and feel like he is being underutilized week after week. I do think the combination of The Beautiful People and BroMans make SO MUCH SENSE. Put them together!

WZ 5.5


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