Stars in Progress: Lesnar/Cena Make Better Lovers Than Fighters, Bo Dallas is My Champion; The Claire Lynch Rant You’ve Been Waiting For

STEP DOWN: Brie Bella / Stephanie McMahon


This string of Tweets is the only good thing to come out of the McMahon-Bella program this week…

It’s like one of the WWE writers is actively trying to take TNA’s worst angles, and make them better. I don’t know whether or not they succeeded – let’s face it, Claire Lynch is about as bad as you can get in wrestling – but it definitely did nothing to sell me on SummerSlam. I want to know why is more interested in that match now that Daniel Bryan has been accused of having an affair… 

brie bellaThe hilarious thing is that nobody came to Bryan’s aid in this whole deal. Nobody once said “I don’t think that’s true…” In fact, Brie slapping “Megan” almost inadvertently confirmed the angle to be “true”. Obviously, in real life, it’s not. But for storyline purposes, is the current WWE cannon that Daniel Bryan, former WWE Champion and WrestleMania main-eventer (not to mention Total Divas star) an adulterer? Is that really what we’re going with here? 

The subtext was SUPPOSED to be that everyone understand that McMahon paid off this chick to lie. But subtext and pro wrestling are rarely ever friends. The product is surface level 99.9% of the time, so that 0.01% where they try and do something subtle just doesn’t work. Case in point, they’re going to have to run another terrible angle on Raw next Monday basically explaining to the crowd – who no longer gives a damn about this story – that Daniel Bryan in fact did NOT have an affair with his less attractive personal trainer. 

If you go back and listen to the reaction those two got three weeks, then two weeks ago, and then again on Raw this week, the difference is almost laughable. WWE took all the energy out of this program – a program that had closed out Raw going into the second biggest PPV of the year – because they couldn’t just keep things simple. Whoever looked at the script, saw this garbage and sent it to print should be fired immediately. 

Do you know why things like Claire Lynch are good for wrestling? Because they SHOULD teach people what not to do. Intelligent story-tellers will learn from disastrous stories like Claire Lynch and completely avoid them in the future. It takes some serious ego and arrogance (I smell a McMahon) to think they can take garbage and turn it into gold…

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