Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “It Happens…Finally”

impact wrestling reactionBram defeated Abyss in a Monster’s Ball Match

Impact Wrestling Reaction starts with a Monster’s Ball Match.

A cheese grater to the lower parts of Bram gets the intensity going.. Abyss throws him into a chair head first. Abyss tries to use Janice, but Bram gets taken out again with a chair to his face. Abyss gets thumbtacks and empties the bag. Bram hits Abyss with a Kendo Stick. Bram gets hit with a chokeslam onto the tacks. Magnus get a punch to the face and Bram hits a spear onto Abyss through the barb wire board. Bram hits Abyss with Janice and picks up the win.

Why is it still called Monster’s Ball? There used to be much more to this match. This is just a hardcore match with the same spots as we are used to seeing. As a fan, I thought they did a good job hitting the big spots at the right time. It got the crowd going early in the night, but I wonder why they use this match SO many times. Bram can be really good for TNA, if they give him enough time and build for his character. I like what I see from him.

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Lashley and Bobby Roode in the Future

MVP, King and World Heavyweight Champion Lashley come out with ladies and begin to talk about themselves. Out comes Bobby Roode and says he does not want to talk to MVP, but wants to talk to Lashley. Roode gets in the ring and says he has beaten MVP and King, but he has not beaten Lashley yet. Kenny King sucker punches him and it looks like Bobby Roode is in trouble. Austin Aries and Eric Young come out and make the save.

If this is setting up a long feud between Roode and Lashley, sign me up. I really like Lashley right now. The guy looks like a champion and fights like one. Who is there better in TNA that could get Lashley to a more aggressive and intense side? Roode, as a face or heel, does that to his opponent. Look at his feuds with Angle, Storm and others. Roode gets the best personality features out of his opponents and he is a main event talent. He should be in this spot and could potentially take the title off of Lashley. This was a good first step.

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DJ Z and The BroMans defeated Mr. Anderson, Gunner and Samuel Shaw

The plot of his match centered around Mr. Anderson not being able to trust Shaw. With their history, it made complete sense. During the match, gunner hits multiple headbutts and picks up a two count. He attacks Robbie E a few times until Anderson gets back into the ring. Robbie E is able to get some offensive moves in. Throughout the match, Shaw does not really get tagged in from his teammates. BroMans stop a mic check and all hell breaks loose. Gunner is tossed to the outside and all three men set Anderson up. Shaw gets in the ring and unloads with a double clothesline. He throws Jesse to the outside and looks like he is ready to fight. Anderson yells at Shaw and Robbie rolls him up from behind as Shaw’s leg was trapped.

Good, not great. Anderson and Shaw are face to face until Gunner separates them. Anderson is upset and leaves. Sam Shaw needs to go back to his creepy gimmick. That is where he shined at and was what TNA needed: different. Shaw is transitioning into a face with Anderson and Gunner. Do not be surprised if Anderson turns heel. He goes back and forth in TNA as both. Either way, this was a little flat and should have been more about the more talented guys in the ring. 

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