the bella twins

Wrestlezone’s Top 10 Currently Active WWE & NXT Divas

Honorable Mention: Renee Young

Renee, you are the bees knees. If cats wore pajamas, they would have your face on them. You are all that is woman, and the best thing to happen to WWE commentary in quite some time. Keep doing your thing, breaking down barriers, and in general being awesome. 

Honorable Mention: Lana

Lana is drop dead gorgeous and a great mouthpiece with an up-and-coming guy with a lot of talent and, hopefully, a very bright future. Much like Renee, I cannot put you on the actual list because you’re not an active competitor. 

#10 – Cameron

I give Cameron a hard time, most of the time. It’s probably not fair. She was a contestant on the reboot of Tough Enough, brand new to the wrestling world, and was eliminated in the first episode after – infamously – when stating her favorite match of all time was “Melina vs. Alicia Fox”. Imagine my shock when, years later, she is the ONLY person from that entire season that ended up on television. She was a pretty face that had no regard for the wrestling business, and inexplicably made it despite all the great talents WWE could have chosen to use. 

This is incredibly mean, but Cameron was the Eva Marie of 2011. 

That being said, much of my problem with her wasn’t her fault. She tried out for a show – WWE put her on the show. WWE chose to bring her to television. Heck, they may have even created the entire “Melina vs. Alicia Fox” ignorant persona for the sake of good television – we don’t really know.

Here’s where I owe some people an apology – WWE has handled her coming to television incredibly well. By pairing her with Naomi, she got the chance to travel around and learn about the business without actually being in the ring. Then they began pairing as a team, which gave her the chance to get in the ring and mask some of her flaws behind a tag team partner. Being on Total Divas gave her exposure and created a fanbase without risking over-exposure on Raw or Smackdown. And now that they are working on splitting up the Funks, she might just be ready to branch out on her own. So well done Cameron. I appreciate the effort you’ve put into learning the business from the ground up, and I’m open minded about your future in the WWE.