Stars in Progress: John Cena, Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro, Kane Returns to Form, Good News for Bad News Barrett

John Cena: One Giant Step Nowhere

john cenaThe leader of the ever-shrinking Chain Gang took one step back, and one step forward this week, going nowhere fast. Don’t get me wrong, John Cena’s program with Bray Wyatt has been excellent. Their promos have been on the money for over a month, and I look forward to fast-forwarding through Raw to see their material every single week. Once again, they took a step forward. 

But with every great Bray Wyatt promo, with every song gaining more momentum with the WWE Universe, Cena’s stock dwindles. He’s still one of the most over guys in the business today, but without the top spot, without the championship and without an opponent the fans actually hate, the WWE is actually succeeding in turning John Cena’s hardcore faithful against him, one at a time. Since when were they in the business of proving heels right? 

Kane: Big Red Step Up

This week Raw kicked off with Kane hitting Daniel Bryan with three Tombstone Piledrivers – one on the floor, one on the steps, and one on the announce table. What was set up to sell Bryan’s time away from the ring instantly sold me on their title match at Extreme Rules. One thing to point out: their match probably won’t be the last match on the card – remind you of anybody? The more things change, the more things stay the same.