Mt. Killamanjaro: WWE Survivor Series 2012 Review – Punk 365


WWE Survivor Series 2012 – @MikeKillam

A killer video package highlighting the long, historic tenure of WWE’s November classic opens the night, and Michael Cole welcomes us to the 26th annual Survivor Series pay-per-view! 

Bonus Traditional Survivor Series Match
Brodus Clay, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara & International Airstrike vs. Tensai, Epico, Primo & Prime Time Players 

Rey MysterioResults: Tons of high flying action, showcasing the best of WWE’s tag team division, as well as the two big bruisers. Tensai gets the first (and only elimination for the bad guys), knocking off Brodus Clay with the running senton. Justin Gabriel gets the huge upset and rolls up Tensai for the pin, but not before getting turned inside out by big man. Tyson Kidd eliminated Titus O’Neil with a beautiful springboard pinning combination; seriously, check that out! Kidd also eliminates Epico via submission with a Sharpshooter. Primo finds his end at the hands of a roll-up by Rey Mysterio, and Darren Young gets pinned following the 619, a Swanton from Sin Cara, springboard moonsault from Justin Gabriel, springboard elbow drop from Tyson Kidd, and a top rope splash from Rey Mysterio at 18:27. Ouch! 

Survivors: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and International Airstrike

Review: An unannounced bonus match ends up being a real treat for the paying customers. It really is a testament to how far the tag team division has come, that four teams participated in this match, and none of them were the champions! There were so many awesome moments in this match, from the quintet of finishers on Darren Young, to the Tyson Kidd’s crazy pinning combinations. But the thing that impressed me most was the flow of the match; they didn’t rely on their high flying spots alone, and worked a nearly twenty minute match with great pacing and time for everyone to show off. At first I thought having a talent like Trent Barreta or Yoshi Tatus would have added to the cruiserweight action than two super heavyweights, but Brodus Clay got a big reaction and Tensai worked well with him, despite a botched fisherman’s suplex. I came away impressed and thoroughly entertained by a match nobody even expected to take place. 

Rating: A


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