Title This: 2012 WWE Survivor Series Reaction

Antonio CesaroAntonio Cesaro Defeated R-Truth to Retain the United States Championship

Cesaro is head and shoulders better than Truth in every category. With his keen instincts and his intelligent wrestling, Cesaro can easily be a World Champion in 2013. R-Truth continues to fall back on what he is familiar with, including fancy kicks and small dance moves that the smart crowd does not like. The match was not as long as I expected it to be, but Cesaro hits the two big moves for the victory. What does this do for both men now? Cesaro NEEDS someone to compete with, while I would not mind seeing Truth be repackaged and off television for quite some time. This was a waste of Cesaro's talents on a big stage. Grade: C

AJ and Vickie Feud Continues

AJ tries to get Vickie in trouble by showing her pictures of Vickie hanging out with JR, Ricardo, and others. I can honestly say this was AWFUL. I cannot fathom being in the crowd for these moments, especially when nobody really cares about either diva if Dolph or Cena isn't next to them. Tamina comes out and attacks AJ, and hits a Splash onto her. I did not see this coming, and I am sure nobody else did. Tamina will be more important than she ever has been, and this was a positive step for her. She needs heat, and Vickie is the best female to get heat in the WWE over the past 5 years.

Grade: C+

Sheamus Defeated Big Show Via Disqualification

Once again, both men put on a very solid effort inside and outside of the ring. With their size and demeaner, Show and Sheamus brawled better than a few weeks ago. Sheamus controlled the early parts of the match, but he easily was taken over by the continuous strikes to the stomach from Big Show. I really thought that the boot to Sheamus' face after attempting the Brogue Kick was a turning point for both men. I loved the strength put on when Sheamus had Show on his shoulders. This is pure beast mode and really showcases the abilities he has. Sheamus is multi talented in so many ways, which is why he remains in main event matches. Big Show throws a referee in the way, and Sheamus knocks him out. WMD is connected onto Sheamus, as another referee makes the pin. As Show celebrates a win, the referee says Big Show was disqualified. This was my favorite part, possibly, of the entire night. The Celtic Warrior unleashes with a char onto Big Show, and really breaks free of his carefree personality. I loved the intense feeling each time he attacked Big Show, and this will be a perfect way to set up the final confrontation between the two at TLC. I wanted this feud to end here, but this is much better than some things they could be trying on Smackdown. Stick with the formula, and milk as much as you can. I have not been disappointed yet by these two, and it shockingly has gotten better.

Grade: A-


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