The Cashbox: Live Impact, Flair/TNA, Ziggler, Orton Suspended


There were some positives; there were some negatives. Overall, I enjoyed the live edition of Impact Wrestling on Thursday and hope this move can inspire TNA creatively as they move forward.

Someone asked me the other day if I thought TNA going live permanently would give them a better shot at becoming "true competition" for WWE. "Better"? Sure, but it's still unlikely. And TNA should no longer be concerned with challenging WWE's position as number one. Rather, they should simply focus on being the best "alternative" they can be. That alone has been a daunting task for them in recent years.

Regarding Brooke Hogan's debut and subsequent involvement with the company, I say give her a chance. It's easy to discredit her potential without cause, and I'm aware she hasn't yet earned respect in the wrestling business, but allow her the opportunity to do that.

Brooke's not the first person to land a job based on the "who you know" factor — she won't be the last. Don't punish her because it's the easy thing to do.

I wish Brooke would have gone heel from the start. Use what people will resent about her most to her advantage, and that's the fact she got the position due to her father being Hulk Hogan. Brooke could have sarcastically told Dixie thanks for signing her to that lucrative contract, but now it's time to get out of her way.

Karen Jarrett worked well as a heel authority figure for the Knockout Division due to her talent as such. Brooke could do the same, provided she has a similar and equal skillset.

Lastly, Sting has always been a huge favorite of mine, but I'm tired of seeing him in the World Title picture. Having said that, it will only help Roode establish himself even further as champion WHEN he beats Sting clean.

Notice that there are no other options in my book regarding who goes over at Victory Road and how they do it.