Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 5-11

SheamusChris Jericho def. Sheamus by Disqualification:

What I Liked:

Once again, Jericho gets the victory. He is a very smart wrestler in the ring, especially when he is able to transition from his technicality to his instant aggression. We have seen that flip of the switch from Jericho in many feuds, and you could see the emotions on his face. I really liked this match tonight, especially since Sheamus looked very vulnerable throughout. He was on the defensive for the duration of the match. Sheamus was able to hit his usual offensive moves, but a good reversal gave Jericho the Walls of Jericho. I think Jericho needs more victories, especially since his return has been full of putting over other guys, specifically Punk. The ending saw Del Rio attack Jericho, which was a great way for him to continue his attacks on his opponents. I love that heel vs. heel is something they are not afraid of in this Fatal Four Way match. Every man for himself, well done.

What I Disliked:

Again, another DQ. Other than that, the ending was very fitting. It gave Jericho much needed steam, and also gave Orton and Sheamus a little bit of their own offense. Del Rio stood tall in the beginning of the night, which I thought was right. He gets beaten up at the end, so that devalues how good he was at the beginning of the show.

Grade: B+

Smackdown Grade: B-

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