Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 5-3-12

Opening Segment:Impact Wrestling

Ric Flair calls out Hulk Hogan for ruining Eric Bischoff and his party last week. Hogan comes out and talks about TNA Gut Check. He puts over getting the young talent experience and carrying the company. Hogan says Eric is the evil one, and then asks Flair to be a judge. Flair is hesitant at first, but says he does love this business and company, so he will.

What I Liked:

It makes sense for Flair to be a judge because he is one of the best the professional wrestling world has ever seen. There is not much else for Flair to do, so this makes sense. He can be a manager and a part time wrestler for so long, but many people would actually  love to see him tutor young wrestlers, even if it is just what we are supposed to believe on TV.

What I Disliked:

Hogan and Flair do such a great job talking to one another, but this whole segment took a little too long. If they want to focus on the youth, bring some of those guys out with Hogan and Flair. Let the spotlight be focused more on them and not on two veterans who do not have anything else to prove.

Grade: B

Velvet Sky and Brooke Tessmacher def. Madison Rayne and Gail Kim:

What I Liked:

Gail and Madison do a solid job at starting the match with an aggressive pace. Ever so often do we see a Diva or Knockout match start slow and the pace never pick up. I really liked the blocked Hurricanranna in the match as well, as it showed some versatility from Velvet. Brooke is not the best wrestler, but she deserves a shot at the title. She is likable and the male population love her for her looks. I am okay with her getting some time to shine.

What I Disliked:

The focus was on Brooke getting beaten up by the double team, but all number one contenders need that chance to really turn the tables. Also, Brooke needs to find her own finisher, something that makes her stand out. She is athletic enough where you can have her do something off the ropes. Let Brooke expand her offense and not rely on being carried. The match was just average at best. There was not much to ride home about.

Grade: C


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