WrestleZone’s Top 10: Misused Talent

Number 10: The Diva’s Division

Beth Phoenix

Women’s wrestling is not going anywhere. Let’s face it, they will not get rid of all of the Divas. If they plan on using them, why not give them some sort of storyline that only takes a few minutes? It does not make sense to me why they do not book some sort of storyline or angle for the Divas over throwing together a match just for the hell of it. I would much rather see a Diva like Natalya wrestle for 5 or 6 minutes over Layla or Kelly Kelly. Give your talent the opportunity to wrestle, not a barbie doll. Those Divas can be used as managers and pieces of stories like Eve was. Come on, give us a meaningful Divas Division. I continue to wonder why they cannot invest even a few minutes a week on talking or progressing stories. They rarely talk, rarely get involved in personal conflicts. Bring me something different.

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