Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 4-16-12

R Truth is backstage dressed like Sherlock Holmes. He says they need to find Long something to do.

Lord Tensai is with Josh Matthews and says "You fear the unknown," and then speaks in Japanese.

Taped Interview with Brock Lesnar:

What I Liked:

This video came off very well. Lesnar says that Cena is only in the spot because he left, and that piss runs down his leg thinking of Lesnar. He says Cena would be carrying his bags if he never left, and that he is legitimate. He says he came back to kick ass because that is what makes him happy. I really thought this was well placed in the show, timed perfectly, and the video production crew deserves an applause. They edited the video creatively and made Lesnar look more than just a former wrestler. Thank god they recognized his UFC run, how he became who he is today, and really shows you a real side of a real character.

Grade: A

Kane vs. Zack Ryder ends in No Contest:

What I Liked:

The history and hate is there between Kane and Ryder, but we did not get a match here. Kane comes out to dominate Ryder, further making him completely irrelavent right now. A whole hour into the show and we get one good match.

What I Disliked:

As you can tell, creative has no idea what to do with Zack Ryder. Another week, another good pop, but another squash match. Is Zack Ryder being buried? Many people will see it like that, and I cannot disagree with it. He continues to lose matches, continues to struggle finding a solid storyline, and he flame is fizzling. I still enjoy seeing him, but there needs to be some sort of panic mode when coming to Ryder. He sells merchandise, is popular with more than one age group, and really is good in the ring. Kane talking about Orton and his father did nothing for me either. I still feel like Kane is a guy who cannot hold a feud and keep it interesting, unless your name is The Undertaker. Question of the Week: What do you do from here on out with Ryder and Kane?

Grade: C-

John Cena comes out to talk about Brock Lesnar. He talks about Laurinaitis and how he wanted Lesnar back. Cena basically goes on to say he will fight at Extreme Rules and will fight and beat Lesnar. John Laurinaitis comes out and says Cena will have a match with a mystery opponent tonight.

It looks like Laurinaitis is shying away from Punk and focusing on Cena. I am okay with this for the time being, as Johnny has no more to really do with Punk and needs another face to really interfere with.