Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 4-12

Bully Ray def. AJ Styles:

What I Liked:

I am a fan of this pairing, two guys with two different styles. You can only take so much Styles/Daniels/Kaz or guys who are very similar in style and skill in the ring. Ray does a great job with the victory cheating to win. That fits his character perfectly. AJ does well with anyone and this was no different. Great counter from Ray with the backdrop from an attempted Tornado DDT. Ray and Styles were chemically on tonight. The spots worked, especially with the chain to knock out Styles at the end.

What I Disliked:

Hard to pick something to dislike here, so I will for once say nothing.

Grade: A

Hogan says it will be 5 on 5 at Lockdown and Bischoff has three minutes to make a decision. We get back from commercial and Bischoff chooses himself. Garret comes out and introduces his 5th member, Rob Van Dam. Good idea to bring RVD here, giving him some sort of importance. His contract expires in 2012, so milk him as much as possible. I enjoyed the addition of RVD and Eric.

Velvet Sky and Mickie James def. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne:

What I Liked:

A solid Knockouts Tag Team match here, focusing on Sky vs. Kim at Lockdown. Rayne was the scapegoat, getting most of the offensive moves put on her, including a very nice looking DDT after a break of a pinfall attempt. I thought Velvet with the pin on Gail was the right call as well. This teases the crowd and shows that she can actually pin Gail. This makes the champion vulnerable and fans love to see that from the "favorite."

What I Disliked:

A few missed spots here, and Mickie seemed a little off. She is not the focal point, but still did overshadow Velvet a bit. Either way, the final pin is the last thing we will remember.

Grade: B-