Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-26

The RockIn Ring Segment:

Out comes The Rock to a great ovation. He talks about WrestleMania 20 and how it was his last match at WM. He tells us how everyone would always ask him when he is coming back, and he never had an answer. He cracks some jokes, and then talks about being in Atlanta and throwing the challenge to Cena a year ago. He said he will electrify the fans more in six days. Out comes Cena, who talks about carrying the company for a decade when The Rock was not here. He talks about being loved and hated at the same time, but that is who he is. He rises above hate and wins, and he will do that Sunday. He says he CAN'T lose, he cannot be second best. Rock fires back with being the guy who needs it more because he needs to prove he is the best ever. He wants to say he beat Hogan, Austin, and now Cena. Nobody else can make that claim. Rock says he knows what the people wants, and that is to kick Cena's ass Sunday. Cena ends the show saying he will kick Rock's ass and his prediction will come true as he stands over his body at the end of the night on Sunday.

What I Liked:

I enjoyed the final exhcange of words. This is what we needed to sum things up. People wanted them to brawl, have them broken up by security, and end it that was. There is no point in doing that. It will not push people to the limit and want to buy it. We all know people will buy it no matter what happens. That was a relevation to me this week, as I previously thought they needed to fight a little bit more. I ended with wanting to see the fighting, and the fact that it faded before any touching was perfect. It is not about Raw, it is about WrestleMania and preserving the action until then. Well done.

Grade: B

Raw Grade: B

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