WrestleMania 28

WrestleZone’s Top 10: Worst WWE WrestleMania Events

Number 7: WrestleMania XV

Once again, timing was a huge issue at WrestleMania XV in Philadelphia. 4 of the 10 matches lasted under 5 minutes, including Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett beating Test and D’Lo Brown for the Tag Team Championship, Butterbean knocking the lights out of Bart Gunn, and Sable defeating Tori. What a let down this night was, especially since the worst Hell in a Cell saw Taker hang the Big Boss Man from the Cell. Yes, we got a great match between Austin and Rock, one of my all time favorites, but everything else made no sense. Shane McMahon is entertaining, but his match with XPac was nothing to ride home about. Here is a fun fact, Hell in a Cell lasted 9 minutes. There has NEVER been another Hell in a Cell that has been less than 15 minutes. An awful overall show with one great match. 3.5 out of 10


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