WrestleMania 28

WrestleZone’s Top 10: Worst WWE WrestleMania Events

Number 9: WrestleMania 2000

With a main event being billed with “a McMahon in Every Corner,” you can tell that this would be a night where it was not focused on the talent, but more of the family that runs the talent. With the card weak and lacking star power, WrestleMania 2000 was a joke of a card. The triangle triple threat match for the Intercontinental and European Championship was a great wrestling match, but confusing as well. Two titles, two pinfalls, and zero logic. Also, lasting 13 minutes was not enough for Angle, Jericho, and Benoit to steal the show. We had another triangle match, with Edge/Christian defeating The Dudley Boys and The Hardy Boys. That was an entertaining match, but that is where I draw the line. Hardcore battle royal was forced, with too much chaos for an opening match at Mania. T&A defeating Headcheese, really? This was awful and I only enjoyed seeing Trish. I can go on, especially with DX losing to Rikishi and Kane in a 4 minute match. The list of head scratchers can continue, but the main point is there was no big WrestleMania moment aside from the tag team match. The main event was a let down, especially with all the build for all four guys. You expected something ground breaking to happen, but did not. This event gets a 4.5 out of 10.Once again, Anaheim got the shaft.


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