Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-16

Opening Segment:WWE Smackdown

Smackdown starts with The Peep Show for the returning Christian. He talks about being injured and that he brings out John and Otunga, followed by Teddy Long. He talks abougt being on one of their teams, and we finally get Christian to join Team Laurinaitis. Teddy Long says he will book Christian in a match, but he is not cleared to wrestle. Otunga vs. Long's newest member, Kofi Kingston, is next.

What I Liked:

A good start to the show that has to build this big tag team match at WrestleMania. I love seeing Christian back and able to start the show off with a bang. He deserves the spot and really intrigued me towards the match. Also, he needs to remain heel and continue to work what he succeeded best with.

What I Disliked:

Long is predictable in what he says. I want something more from him and not the usual speech. He has not changed his character on screen in years, which is why I feel bored when listening to him.

Grade: B

Kofi Kingston def. David Otunga:

What I Liked:

A solid match between two of the young and future stars of the WWE. Otunga has the look, but Kofi carried the match with his athleticism. It is very smart to get the outside interference as well from Christian and Santino, making the fans know and remember the bigger picture.

What I Disliked:

Otunga is still learning, but I feel like he needs to talk and work on his facial expressions. There is so much to say when you see someone in the ring struggle, battle, and brawl. Otunga does not possess the intangables like Kofi does.

Grade: B-

Bryan and AJ are backstage, Bryan insults her dress that he bought. He says they will be the next Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth.

AJ def. Nikki Bella:

What I Liked:

The match did not do much for me. AJ with the win is good, I guess. AJ has some athleticism that is shown off in this match.

What I Disliked:

What is the point of this match? Also, AJ is supposed to be a heel character since she is with Bryan, so why is she facing a Bella? Makes no sense to me. Also, this is a wasted segment where no build happened and no sense or logic was portrayed.

Grade: D


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