Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-16

Cody RhodesCody Rhodes def. The Great Khali:

What I Liked:

We got a great short interview before talking about Big Show. Rhodes get quick heat by talking about how Show has never won a single's match on the big stage. I love the Beautiful Disaster move by Rhodes, even though Khali did not do a fantastic job selling it. Rhodes is extremely wise beyond his years in his ring, with a great focus on his strengths. He has solid athleticism and a great sense of direction.

What I Disliked:

There should have been something from Show here. After the match, have Show gain the upper hand by attacking Cody. Also, the match was not fantastic due to length and restrictions because of Khali. It did just enough to keep Rhodes in our minds.

Grade: C

In Ring Segment:

Randy Orton calls out Kane. He wants to know why Kane chose Orton. Out comes Kane, who plays a clip of him shaking Orton's hand after a Last Man Standing Match. Kane says he hates the person who he was, and that the WWE is not big enough for both of them. Orton thanks Kane, Kane leaves, but Orton says to finish it tonight. Kane walks back down, but says he will wait until WrestleMania.

What I Liked:

Great in ring promo work by both guys. This shed some light on the very random feud. Creative knew we had to get some background and, even if it is not a great reason, we at least get the reason. Kane and Orton will get about 15 minutes at Mania, and that is all they need. I loved that they are doing more than just attacking one another. They finally added another piece to their story.

What I Disliked:

Not much here. They did not need to physically fight again, and this progressed the feud. I wish they had a better reason or even some more history thrown in there, but Kane and Orton took what was given to them and added some interest overall.

Grade: A-


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