Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-9

Opening Segment:

David Otunga introduces John Laurinaitis as the man who will run Smackdown tonight. Johnny talks about being the right man to run both shows, and he is going to do something Long never has done. Smackdown will start with a Steel Cage Championship match.

Santino Marella def. Jack Swagger to Retain the United States Championship:

What I Liked:

A very unique and interesting way to start off Smackdown. I love the fact that they gave this angle more time already on Smackdown than on Raw Monday. Long and Laurinaitis has its own spot on each show. If they hype up this angle, they need to deliver. The match was very interesting, quick, and entertained me. Whether you love it or hate it, Santino is delivering on all levels. He is not the best wrestler in the world, but he is doing just enough inside the ring. Give credit to Swagger for carrying the offensive load in this match. He looked aggressive, athletic, and on the top of his game with a lesser working opponent. It got the crowd going right off the bat. Well Done.

What I Disliked:

I wish that Santino got some more offensive moves exectued. He needs to show he is championship material after a while of just being a comedy bit. I wanted just two or three more moves from him, a new move would have been nice to see.

Grade: B+

Backstage, John Laurinaitis is backstage and argues with Teddy Long. They book a match, Long vs. Laurinaitis for tonight. If Long wins, Aksana does not have to face Kane.

Drew McIntyre def. Hornswoggle:

What I Liked:

The quick promo to start the match was solid. Drew needs to work on his microphone skills and find a way to connect with the crowd, heel or face.

What I Disliked:

The match in general cannot be graded. Why do they thrown Hornswoggle in this match? What is the point, besides McIntyre finding a cheap way to get rehired. I am sick of Hornswoggle, and the fact that Khali came out frustrates me to no end. Please, creative, give Drew some sort of meaning on the roster.

Grade: D


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