Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-9

Mark Henry def. Ezekiel Jackson:

What I Liked:

Nothing relevant in this match. No point to have these guys together unless they represent Long and Laurinaitis in a match.

What I Disliked:

Slow and ineffecitve. There was no progression between these guys in the ring. It was very mechanical. You knew you would see a quick match with one or two bumps. I really felt this was a waste of time tonight.

Grade: D

Teddy Long def. John Laurinaitis:

What I Liked:

The match featured a roll up after Orton RKO'ed Kane. I like how great of a heel Laurinaitis has become. Do I love this segment? No, but I felt like there was some sort of meaning. It did not last too long and did enough to interest me towards the payoff as well.

What I Disliked:

So, do we get Orton captaining a team against Kane? Will they go 1-on-1? If they do a single's bout, what is the point of them injecting themselves in this particular story? I would rather see these established stars get their own story, have younger guys be with Laurinaitis and Long, and create a match through the young guys.

Grade: C-


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