Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 2-2-12

Tara def. Gail Kim

What I Liked:

Loved the quick pinfalls to start off the match. It picked up the pace immediately, and teased a cheap victory. After that, the match was good but not great. Tara and Gail slowed the pace down with some submission holds, but it picked up with a neckbreaker from Kim. The two work well together, but tonight seemed a bit off.

What I Disliked:

I expected much more, especially since they are both veterans. I just felt like something was missing, some sort of aggression or realistic conflict. Madison gets involved as well, which I was not a fan of. Does every heel need to cheat to win? Even though she lost, but it still is the point of making it interference to win. Be more creative.

Grade: C

Garrett Bischoff comes out. He calls out Eric and Gunner, who say he is lying about his trainer coming out. Hulk Hogan comes out and punches Gunner in the face. He goes after Eric who huddles in the corner and yells "I'm Your Father." Gunner grabs him before he can get attacked. Garrett and Hulk celebrate.

I like this, but do not love it. Hulk returns in some fashion, but was this the right call? HE is training Garrett? I mean this is probably their best option to bring him back without being a heel or even having to do much creative wise. I cannot grade this, but will give it time to see where it goes. Hogan is still a big name, but in a completely different way than before.


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