Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 2-2-12

Austin Aries def. Mark Haskins:

What I Liked:

A solid wrestling match here between Haskins and Aries, as Aries controlled a good portion of the match. I liked the chemistry between the two, and impressed me because they have not battled much in the fan's eyes. Aries is a great athlete who is at the top of the X division for a reason. You see his skills and his unique style each week. This was no different. Haskins hit a nice Diamond Cutter, but the ending was fitting. It gives the heel an easy escape, and he can move onto Alex Shelley.

What I Disliked:

Why didn't we see or get a mention of Shelley here? I really do not understand it, especially since it has been a hot feud for weeks. Shelley and Aries are going to tear the house down, and I want to see the storyline continue to move forward.

Grade: B

Bobby Roode def. James Storm:

What I Liked:

A solid bout between the two former best friends. They were given enough time in the ring, and really worked great together. The match itself did not come with any spectacular moments, but was solid from beginning to end. Storm was able to garner offense on the champion, especially in critical moments in the match. The flow was great, as both guys would hit their moves and not miss a spot. I really am a believer that tag teams work better when they face off one on one. You can tell they know each other's comfort zones. Timing is so essential, and I though this was a great match that showcased it. Roode and Storm are so similar in the ring, but have enough differences so it is not repetitive moves being displayed.

What I Disliked:

Why does Ray have to interfere here? Is there really a reason? He wants to be champion too, and I felt like Roode and Storm would benefit from the clean… or even controversial finish. An outside interference really does not do much for me here.

Grade: B+


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