Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-30-12

Brodus Clay def. Tyler Reks:

What I Liked:

Another night, another squash. There is not much else to report here, besides the fact that Clay debuted a few new moves, so it was not two moves and that is it. Kansas City wasn't all about Clay here, but he did get some cheers. He actually had to show off some defense, which we have not seen yet.

What I Disliked:

When will a feud happen? Clay is very limited right now, and I think he needs to continue to dominate until they find a heel that completely lays him out from behind. Maybe a guy like Kane? I really have no other option for him to feud with. He is limited because there is no "threat" to him. He is not established, so he needs a guy who is to get him over, if they really want him to.

Grade: C-

Daniel Bryan def. C.M. Punk by DQ:

What I Liked:

An absolutely solid and complete match here between both guys. Punk and Bryan work so well together, especially since they have very similar offenses. We saw both men rely on their feet and kicking ability to ground their opponent. I enjoyed seeing Bryan step his game up in this match, especially with his emotions and story telling in his face and actions. His taunts were solid and timed perfectly in the match. I felt the near pinfalls did just enough to tease the victory for each man. Punk and Bryan were spot on with each move, showed some progression in their offense, and never dragged the match on. There was a solid amount of submission mixed in with rapid action off the ropes. With Jericho coming out, it was a perfect way to start their feud, as well as Bryan being able to get a cheap victory. I wish Jericho attacked both guys, but his aim was on Punk. I feel like Jericho should target Punk, but also take out other guys to create his persona.

What I Disliked:

Nothing. The match did not let me down, and Jericho coming out was a great way to set this all up for the long haul.

Grade: A


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