Title This: Royal Rumble Reaction


Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and The Bella Twins defeat Kelly Kelly, Eve, Tamina, and Alicia Fox


 We get an 8 divas tag match immediately after a world title match. What is the point of having the Divas match on the card? They gave absoutely no time to build a feud from anyone, as well as not seeing Beth Phoenix for weeks. The match was okay, as Beth finishes off Kelly Kelly to pick up the victory. With all of the possibilities they could do in terms of feuding and building a realistic Divas title match, they did not whatsoever. Eve and Kelly Kelly are played out for the top face, and they lack the real wrestlers to challenge Beth Phoenix. The only one currently would be Natalya. Tamina is alright, but they have not invested much time in her character development. Has she ever spoken a word? You need to do something to revamp this, because pretty looks only takes them so far.

Grade: D-

Brodus Clay defeats Drew McIntyre:


If you want to state your case on Brodus Clay and my disappointment with him, please feel free. How is this better for him in the long run to squash someone instead of be entered into the Royal Rumble match? I was shocked that McIntyre was able to gain a quick bit of offense, but Clay took over from there. I do like his ring work so far, even though each match he should add something new to his arsenal. He has the ability to dominate, so let him do that. He can still be entertaining, but let him go more than three minutes. If you continuously give him powder puff opponents, he will be viewed as a joke and not a realistic guy who can main event. The song is catchy, the dancers are beautiful, and he is different. I understand why people like it, but I do not.

Grade: C-


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