Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-20-12

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment:

Daniel Bryan starts off the show, talking about what The Big Show did to his girlfriend AJ a week ago. He goes on to talk about Big Show's short title reign, as well as him faking being upset and sad. Daniel Bryan talks about not being afraid of Henry or Show, and that Show should quit before he hurts anyone else and end their careers.

What I Liked:

The champion of the show starts off Smackdown, which I like to a point. There was not much more here than what we heard on Raw about Bryan and him dedicating his match to AJ. Bryan continues to slowly and meticulously transition his heel turn, and it is being done in a smart and cowardly way.

What I Disliked:

I wish we were able to get some Mark Henry or even Show here, furthering their pursuit at regaining the World Heavyweight Championship. There is a certain point when sub plots need to be put to the side to focus on the actual wrestlers, and I fear that they are focusing more on AJ than Henry and Show at this point. The Royal Rumble is a week away, and they need to continue to build that, especially since they are so unsure of what main event they want for the Smackdown side at WrestleMania.

Grade: B-

Cody Rhodes spins the wheel after talking a quick bit of trash on his brother. It lands on Player's Choice, and Rhodes is teased with Ezekiel Jackson, but picks Hornswoggle.

Cody Rhodes def. Justin Gabriel:

What I Liked:

Justin Gabriel is a great athlete. With some time, I really feel like he could be a crucial part in the mid card status. He rarely misses a move, and is spot on with his 450 splash. You can tell the difference of his game and Rhodes', as Rhodes is more complete when focusing on different situations in the match. Rhodes hit a nice front suplex, and looks aggressive most of the time in the ring. I really enjoyed this match, thought it came off clean, and was able to showcase Rhodes with a different opponent than last week. He can work with a 300 pounder, as well as a 210 pounder and still look solid.

What I Disliked:

What is the point of having Hornswoggle and Justin Gabriel team up together for some sort of alliance? Are we not past the point of trying to make Hornswoggle somewhat relevant? This gets frustrating and just is a tactic to have Gabriel with, what they think, is a fan favorite. This will not get Gabriel over any faster. Throw him in a tag team, possibly with Kofi Kingston, and work with his abilities.

Grade: B

Mark Henry spins the wheel, and the match tonight is a Lumberjack Match against Daniel Bryan.


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