Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-16-12

Brodus Clay def. JTG:

What I Disliked:

Well, another week of Brodus. Who saw another squash coming? Of course you did, that is what we will get for weeks. Will he be in the Rumble, and who will eliminate him? See, it is much harder to book a joke of a character than a murdering machine. Give me more of realism, and less of fantasy land.

Grade: D

Daniel Bryan comes out and says The Big Show is an uncaring freak of nature. He says Big Show's tears were fake, and he is dedicating his match against Mark Henry on Smackdown to AJ.

Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, and David Otunga def. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Chris Jericho/Mick Foley:

What I Liked:

Well call it predictable, because Jericho did not do a single move. Were you surprised? You should not have been, because his return is not going to be wasted on a careless six man tag match. Ziggler played a big part in making this main event watchable. I actually liked what I saw out of Otunga, as each week he gets a little better. He is not anywhere close to being a main eventer, but not everyone has to be that talented. I also enjoyed the cowardly Bryan, running away from Henry. It continues to show his lack of confidence, his slow transition into a heel, and further gains heat from the crowd. When Punk and Laurinitis went back and forth, I loved we got another step in Punk continuing to use real life factors and terms to tear down Laurinitis.( Referring to his brother succeeding more than him.)

What I Disliked:

It should not have had Mick Foley as the basic factor in this ending sequence. I want to know why they are using precious time on Foley. My guess is he will be in the Rumble, lose, maybe get a match at Mania and that is it. What else can you do with him? The only other option is him in Punk's corner and Laurinitis in Jericho's corner. Maybe a stipulation will be the winner will be the champion and also Foley or Laurinitis will be the Raw GM. That is my bet. Let's see where it goes, but keep Foley out of matches please.

Grade: B

Raw Grade: C+

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