Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-6-12

WWE SmackdownCody Rhodes def Booker T for the Intercontinental Championship:

What I Liked:

Booker T getting the early advantage was the right way to start, giving the fans an idea of him possibly winning the title. Rhodes is very aggressive and shows a lot of emotion in his facial expressions. He makes each move look painful, whether he is selling the move or giving it. Rhodes also worked well on the outside with Booker, a sense of a more personal fight than a basic match. They were given enough time to give us a very solid story in the ring, back and forth with Rhodes and Booker taking the offensive. Booker also can still hit a nice spinebuster. Rhodes surprising Booker with the Beautiful Disaster finishes the match, which is a different finisher than Cross Rhodes.

What I Disliked:

I am not sold on Beautiful Disaster as Rhodes' finisher, as I feel it downgrades how good his ring work is. It comes down to just a kick, even though the kick is usually on. Booker saying bye and thanks to the crowd is not the way he will go out, which I think he will have one more run. I think he can go for an extended feud, but it cannot be for a title or for Main Event status.

Grade: B+

Cody and Dustin Rhodes are backstage. Cody talks about how they do not speak, and says he is more of a success than Dustin. Cody says he will be more of a success than their dad. Cody says he can put the gold paint on, and it is not a laughing stock. Cody says he will make Dustin a joke. I liked this, because it seems to be the beginning stages of Goldust vs. Cody which I feel can have some good matches and everyone likes an old fashioned brother vs. brother.

Zack Ryder resigns as Assistant to Teddy Long. Drew McIntyre comes in, but Ryder says he recommends Santino. Teddy sets up Santino vs. Drew, and Santino wins he will be the assistant. Long says if Drew wins, Teddy will consider not firing him. Aksana comes in, and does her own thing for the past few months.

Alicia and AJ are backstage, and Daniel Bryan comes out and says he beat The Big Show for the title. Fox leaves, and AJ says she is concerned about Daniel. Bryan kisses her and says they will celebrate tonight.

Way too many segments backstage in a row here. Give us a match between these, as I felt it completely stopped the good start Booker and Rhodes gave us.

Hornswoggle def. Heath Slater in an Over the Top Rope Challenge:

What I Liked:

Is there anything to like here? No. Justin Gabriel post match was the only thing interesting, wondering if he will get more time soon, or if this was just a guy to save Hornswoggle.

What I Disliked:

Burying a pretty solid talent in the ring like Heath Slater. He is a good worker and deserves much better in the long run. This is a waste of time and absolutely useless.

Grade: F


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