Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 12/19

The Bellas are backstage and are upset with Teddy Long. John Laurinitis says the board has an eye on him. Vickie comes in, and gets a surprise kiss from Hornswoggle. She screams in disgust. (Hopefully the mention of Long is something that will eventually happen to where he gets fired. He is played, overused, and bland as Smackdown GM.

Josh Matthews is backstage with The Big Show and Show says he encouraged Bryan to cash in so it is his fault. Matthews says Show is not this nice of a guy and says his title reign was the shortest in history. Show, upset, says OK and walks away.

CM Punk, Zack Ryder, and Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, and Alberto Del Rio:

What I Liked:

Take a look. These are six of the present and future of the WWE and what they want to be. Great in ring talent, mostly great characters and personalities, one different from the other. Also, I loved the action back and forth, giving us a little taste of everyone and what they are capable of doing. Punk and Bryan showed consistency and unity throughout the match, looking like a legit tag team. I really like The Miz's aggression in the ring, as I felt this is a huge reason why he has been leaned on as a main event heel for the past year. We get Dolph Ziggler's atheltic persona, drop kick and all. The end was nice because Bryan gets the much needed exposure making Del Rio tap. Also, it does not weaken Miz, Dolph, Ryder, or Punk. They are really the four guys that do not want to get less important by a lame ending to Raw. Great chemistry and presence in the ring throughout.

What I Disliked:

Honestly, nothing. This was a great way to end Raw on a high note.

Grade: A

Raw Grade: B

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.



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