Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 12/19

Alicia Fox vs. Beth Phoenix:

What I Liked:

A new Diva getting a chance to show her skills. Fox is very athletic and has a good look. I feel like she could potentially become a solid Diva. I like how she is getting a chance, as I felt Eve and Kelly Kelly were being watered down.

What I Disliked:

The win so easily against Beth was ridiculous. A few moves and that is it. You also saw Phoenix help out Fox greatly with her one move, and the crowd did not like it. Also, Fox slipped up and looked nervous from one move to the next. Bad booking to have her win easy and clean.

Grade: D

Sheamus vs. Jinder Mahal:

What I Liked:

Seeing Sheamus in a fight. That is it.

What I Disliked:

Again, the match between these two. Absolutely no point to it and makes Sheamus look like a typical mid card guy who is debuting on Raw. He is getting no feud, and is stuck with a guy with absolutely no charisma or heart. This annoys the hell out of me and should for you too. Give me Sheamus vs. Rhodes, that would really be something interesting.

Grade: F


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