Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-16-2011

Ted DiBiase vs. Heath Slater:

What I Liked:

We finally get some aggressiveness from DiBiase. He did not dominate and be in a squash match. Slater worked very well with the talents DiBiase possesses. Slater and DiBiase got enough time for each man to show their arsenal of moves, and DiBiase looked great selling Slater's moves.

What I Disliked:

I had no issue with the match, as it went back and forth at a perfect pace. I hated Jinder Mahal coming out to lock in the Camel Clutch. He is not a guy who deserves to be in a feud on Smackdown. I would rather see many more guys than him. Sheamus faces Jinder Mahal… seriously? They transition into this match… It gives us no reason to watch.

Grade: C+

Sheamus vs. Jinder Mahal:

What I Liked:

Once again, you see Sheamus win another match. He continues to roll, even without a feud. Also, Mahal gained about one minute of offense, and Sheamus finished him off.

What I Disliked:

No meaning, no storyline, and no sense to put this match on TV. I guess this was the worst part of the show, because it shows no relevance of anything. Sheamus NEEDS a feud. Now.

Grade: C-


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